Hip Fractures
OPA treats a wide variety of hip conditions and offers comprehensive treatment options — including many non-surgical solutions, minimally invasive hip arthroscopies (repairs) and total hip replacement.
What is a Hip Fracture?
The hip is one of the body’s largest joints. It is a “ball-and-socket” joint. The socket is formed by the acetabulum, which is part of the large pelvis bone. The ball is the femoral head, which is the upper end of the femur (thighbone). Hip injuries are common. Hip fractures require immediate medical attention. Delaying a diagnosis can make an injury worse.
Common Causes:
- Aging
- Wear and tear from recreational activities
- Injuries
- Osteoporosis
- Osteoarthritis
- Improper lifting
In most severe cases:
- Fractures
- Herniated disc
- Infection
Symptoms you should look for:
- Tingling and numbness in the legs
- Inability to stand up straight without pain
- Stabbing and shooting pain that radiates to foot
- Chronic dull pain in the lower back
When you arrive for your initial consultation, Orthopedic Physicians Alaska (OPA) team of hip specialists will evaluate your areas of concern, discuss your symptoms, and develop a customized and comprehensive treatment plan tailored to your unique needs. This evaluation is a necessary part of diagnosing your condition and providing the best possible care.
When diagnosing a Hip Fracture, the OPA specialist will provide:
- A medical, injury, and symptom history review
- A physical examination
- Multiple view x-rays (to possibly rule out a fracture) or MRI
If you are experiencing these symptoms, seek medical treatment immediately:
- Incontinence
- Loss of function in lower extremities
- Weakness
- Unexplained weight loss
Common Treatments:
Once an official diagnosis is made, a customized treatment plan is prescribed. Treatment for hip a fracture usually involves a combination of surgery, rehabilitation and medication.The type of surgery you have generally depends on the location and severity of the fracture, whether the broken bones aren’t properly aligned (displaced fracture), and your age and underlying health conditions.
The options include:
Internal Repair
Metal screws are inserted into the bone to hold it together while the fracture heals. Sometimes screws are attached to a metal plate that runs down the femur.
Total Hip Replacement
Partial Hip Replacement
If the ends of the broken bone are displaced or damaged, your surgeon may remove the head and neck of the femur and install a metal replacement (prosthesis). Partial hip replacement may be recommended for adults who have other health conditions or cognitive impairment or who no longer live independently
Schedule Appointment with Our Hip Team
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