Insurances Accepted

Orthopedic Physicians Alaska (OPA) providers are in-network, preferred providers for most all insurance plans.

We are In-Network | Contracted | Participating Providers for:

Complete List of Accepted Insurances
  • Aetna
  • Blue Cross: Premera BCBS of Alaska, Federal and all other BCBS plans
  • Denali Kid Care
  • First Choice Health
  • Medicaid
  • Medicare
  • MODA
  • MultiPlan
  • United Health Care
  • VA
  • VA Choice
OPA Does NOT Accept the Following:
  • Travel Insurance
  • Foreign Exchange
  • Longshore
  • Federal Workers’ Compensation
  • Out-of-State Workers’ Compensation
  • 3rd Party Liability

We also accept Alaska Workers’ Compensation and most private insurance plans. Ask about getting an out-of-network exemption if needed.

Denali Kid Care
First Choice Health
United Health Care

Contact Information

Main – 907-562-2277
Surgery Questions – 907-341-5247 
Billing Questions – 907-562-1400 

Insurance FAQs

If you have any questions or concerns about your insurance, you are always welcome to call your OPA billing representative directly. You may also schedule a financial consultation at our office to help with special situations.

Will OPA bill both my primary and secondary insurance plans?

Yes, OPA will bill your primary insurance and your secondary insurance as a courtesy.

I have VA Choice - what do I need to schedule an appointment?

Before calling OPA, patients with VA Choice are required to contact VA Choice to obtain authorization to schedule an appointment with a participating/contracted provider.

Does OPA accept Workers' Compensation?

Yes. OPA accepts Workers’ Compensation for claims filed with the State of Alaska Workers’ Compensation Board and will bill the respective insurance carrier on your behalf. Private insurance will not be billed if an injury is work-related. You will be asked to complete a Physician’s Report with injury information, billing information, claim number and the adjuster’s name.

If your workers’ compensation claim is denied, OPA may bill your private insurance company. Patients without private insurance are personally responsible for payment.

Will OPA submit bills related to liability claims?

OPA will submit first party claims until the benefits are exhausted. If your first party liability claim becomes exhausted, OPA may bill your private insurance company. Patients without private insurance are personally responsible for payment. OPA does not submit bills related to liability claims to third parties. You may seek reimbursement for the cost of your medical services through the legal process.

Will my insurance company need any information from me?

Your insurance company may need information from you to determine who is responsible for the expense. This information may include the cause of the injury, pre-existing health conditions, dependent status, and other health insurance. Please respond to your insurance company or your claim can be denied for payment.

What if I don't have insurance?
  • If you are uninsured, OPA requests that you pay expenses in full at the time of service or actively seek credit or governmental assistance. We offer insurance and financial counselors to assist you with this process.


The OPA team includes Alaska’s leading specialists and offers some of the latest, most advanced treatment procedures available today.

OPA treats a wide variety of conditions and offers comprehensive treatment options — including many non-surgical solutions, minimally invasive arthroscopies (repairs), and total joint replacement.

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