Wrist Sprain

OPA treats a wide variety of upper extremity conditions and offers comprehensive treatment options — including many non-surgical solutions.

What is a Wrist Sprain?

A wrist sprain occurs when the strong ligaments that support the wrist stretch beyond their limits or tear. This occurs when the wrist is bent or twisted forcefully, such as caused by a fall onto an outstretched hand. Wrist sprains are common injuries. They can range from mild to severe, depending on how much damage there is to the ligaments.

Common Causes:

    • Accidents
    • Direct blows
    • Falls
    • Sports

They can range from mild to severe, depending on how much damage there is to the ligaments.

    • Grade 1 sprain (mild). The ligaments are stretched, but not torn.
    • Grade 2 sprain (moderate). The ligaments are partially torn. This type of injury may involve some loss of function.
    • Grade 3 sprain (severe). The ligament is completely torn or the ligament is pulled off of its attachment to bone. These are significant injuries that require medical or surgical care. If the ligament tears away from the bone, it may take a small chip of bone with it. This is called an avulsion fracture.

When you arrive for your initial consultation, an Orthopedic Physicians Alaska (OPA) Upper Extremity Specialist will evaluate your areas of concern, discuss your symptoms, and develop a customized and comprehensive treatment plan tailored to your unique needs. This evaluation is a necessary part of diagnosing your condition and providing the best possible care.

When diagnosing a Wrist Sprain, our experts will provide:

    • A medical, injury, and symptom history review
    • A physical examination
    • Multiple view x-rays ( to rule out a fracture)

Once an official diagnosis is made, a customized treatment plan is prescribed. Treatment plans decrease symptoms as quickly as possible.

Common Treatments:

Nonsurgical treatment options treat the majority of a wrist sprain. Treatment options help reduce symptoms. The following are commonly prescribed:

RICE Method
Rest, ice, compression, and elevation (RICE) decrease swelling, inflammation, and pain.

Taken orally or applied topically to decrease inflammation and pain.

Physical Therapy
An OPA approved hand therapist can help you maintain your motion and function

Schedule Appointment with Our Hand | Wrist | Elbow Team


The OPA team includes Alaska’s leading specialists and offers some of the latest, most advanced treatment procedures available today.

OPA treats a wide variety of conditions and offers comprehensive treatment options — including many non-surgical solutions, minimally invasive arthroscopies (repairs) and total joint replacement.

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